Corporate accountability needs to change.

Every second, companies make choices that affect billions of lives. They not only power the economy, but are responsible for fulfilling essential needs of the modern world — they develop critical infrastructure, grow food, produce medicines, and build innovative products.

Unfortunately, however, powerful economic incentives drive many companies to regularly engage in unethical, fraudulent, or even illegal behavior, with disastrous consequences. Those responsible are rarely if ever held accountable.

We have measures of accountability.
But they just don't work.

Historically, the primary mechanism for rooting out corporate immorality was the whistleblower — a standalone agent who braves a multitude of risks to come forward. The whistleblower model of corporate accountability has failed: fear of retaliation, burdensome and risky processes, and age-old cultural stigma have served to stifle justice.

The consequences of this failed model have rendered current measures of accountability effectively useless. Ugly truths are buried, victim’s lives are constantly put at risk, and society bears the cost of corporate recklessness.

But what would happen if information flow was smooth, anonymous, and even compensated? If you didn't have to risk your reputation for justice, but instead were protected and celebrated? If corporations had an effective, powerful economic disincentive for doing harm?

Welcome to TruthWave.
A new system of corporate accountability.

TruthWave is a platform and community that sources and vets information about bad corporate acts, and then takes action that leads to the greatest justice.

In securely gathering information from anonymous whistleblowers and researchers, rigorously investigating claims at scale, and financially compensating sources of credible information, TruthWave catalyzes information flow by breaking down the social, economic, and practical hurdles impeding justice today.

TruthWave's aim is to optimize society's ability to hold unethical corporations accountable, ensuring that global corporate leaders become our honest and ethical partners in a future we can trust.

Know something that can help us? Reach out.